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Factless Attacks on Nicotine Pouches

Over the past few months, products such as Zyn, Velo, and White Fox have come under heavy fire from various activists, public sector figures, and non-profit organizations. We now see a steady flow of factless attacks on these nicotine pouches. Organizations originally founded to campaign against smoking, such as A Non-Smoking Generation, have perhaps “fallen victim” to their own success. They have been so successful in reducing smoking rates and are seeking their next battlefield – and have chosen nicotine pouches.

In Altinget, the publication covering the political landscape in Sweden, A Non-Smoking Generation and Hjärt-Lungfonden (The Heart-Lung Fund) recently published an opinion piece (in Swedish). There they claim that the use of nicotine pouches is linked to mental illness. Essentially, the article argues that unless we ban nicotine pouches, we face a future healthcare crisis.

As is the case with many like-minded articles published now, the authors selectively chose facts that supports their claim. But without context and unless the reader follows the link to the sources, the impression is skewed. Like saying that research shows that smoking is increasing among teenagers. In the actual survey, this only applies to those born in one year, not those before or after.

Snuskommissionen strikes back

The opinion piece has now been challenged by Snuskommissionen, an association dedicated to a fact-based, scientific debate around snus and nicotine pouches. In their response (in Swedish) to the opinion piece, they acknowledge that there is a link between mental illness and nicotine, as well as alcohol and drugs. However, what the opinion piece in Altinget lacks is evidence of causality. There is simply no research proving that the use of nicotine causes mental illness. But plenty of evidence that people with mental illness turn to nicotine and alcohol because of their mental state.

In their response to the original opinion piece, Snuskommissionen expresses serious concern over the fact that unsubstantiated claims like those from A Non-Smoking Generation only muddle the debate. The discussions should focus on how we can prevent underage teenagers from using age restricted products. Most countries have strict age regulations to prevent teenagers from using drugs, alcohol, and nicotine before they are fully developed. According to Snuskommissionen, this should be the main priority.

Attacks without facts muddy the water

But in the barrage of alarmist headlines touting the threats of nicotine pouches, it almost seems like these organizations are fighting for attention. In Sweden, where smoking has become very rare after years of successful campaigns, high taxation, and the readily available option of tobacco snus, smoking is simply not the problem it used to be when these organizations were founded.

Sweden has one of the lowest smoking rates in the world. Statistics are inconclusive, but surveys estimate that somewhere between 5.3% and 8% of the Swedish population smoke tobacco regularly. Sweden is therefore been considered by some organizations as the first smoke-free country according to WHO’s definition. Still, some NGOs and activists in the public sector are now looking for their next villain to pick a fight with and have chosen nicotine pouches – despite the lack of scientific proof of any serious harmful effects.

Let’s be reasonable

The tobacco industry probably has the lowest credibility of all. It carries with it a dark and troublesome history of trying to hide the truth about the dangers of smoking. A history which includes manipulating scientific research to discredit solid proof of health hazards. Smokeless tobacco, like Swedish snus, has an almost 200-year history with little indication of serious health effects when used responsibly.

There is no doubt that nicotine is highly addictive, and its effects attract millions of new users every year. Compared to all other ways of using nicotine, the nicotine pouch is, together with chewing gums and patches, the “cleanest”. But now the NGO’s and activists have chosen the nicotine pouches as their main villain in their narrative against all nicotine and they simply can’t wait for actual scientific proof to arrive before going to war. These factless attacks on nicotine pouches does not benefit anyone.

This is simply, as Snuskommissionen calls it, an infernal way for NGOs and activists drive their agenda. A more reasonable and fact-based tone would benefit all.

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